Thursday, April 20, 2006

Future Backward

Someone sent me a corny forward which said - live everyday as if its ure last day.

I find it much more convenient to assume my last day is really far off, and hence continue my lazy state of existence :-) But it got me thinking - if i knew i had very few days left in the world, wot are the things I'd really want to do, that I'd feel sorry thatI hadn't done.

The most important is travel - go to all those places that I want to see in the world, do a bharat darshan on train - i really wanna go to the unexplored nooks and corners of the country. especially do Leh & Ladakh. Therez soooo very much to see - i wonder whether I'll ever be able to do even half of it.

Next is a lotta other stuff all the books that i want to - backlog from my existing collection plus all those books i really wanna read but stop myself from buying; something related to music; go bungee jumping. etc-etc.

But travel is the most important. If I really knew that I had just a year to live, I would immediately quit my job and gallavant all over the world. And I would probably end up covering a large majority of the places I really wanna go to. coz I'd have no 'future' to think or worry about.

But the fact that I assume that I will live longer, and hence can/will do it later, stops me from doing it right now. I.e., the possibility of the future limits the reality of my present. For better or for worse - only time shall tell.


1 comment:

Dr. Gonzo said...


You think you would do any of this if you knew you just had a few days to live?

Read books? Go travelling to places where you've never been?


All you, I .. most anybody would do is lock yourself up in the room, watch television and hog. Since you do not need to feel guilty about anything any more.