Friday, July 07, 2006

Match Point

I finally managed to see Match Point - on a long trans-Atlantic flight. I had wanted to watch it since someone forwarded me this quote (which is narrated at the beginning of the movie):

The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are often afraid to realize how much of an impact luck plays. There are moments in a tennis match where the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, remains in mid-air. With a litte luck, the ball goes over, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.

Quite an awesome concept - it completely ridicules the idea of 'moral justice', claiming everything in life is pure chance. Some people get lucky, others just get by (to quote Notting Hill). As the main protagonist himself says towards the end - It would be fitting if I were apprehended... and punished. At least there would be some small sign of justice - some small measure of hope for the possibility of meaning.

Something I tend to agree with - I think human beings take themselves, and their goodness, too seriously. And end up getting caught in a mirage of conscious, morality and justice.

There is an interesting statement somewhere in the middle, when the characters are debating 'easy way outs' - Faith is the path of least resistance, claims Jonathan Rhys Myers. Amen.

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